Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring Break, Day 6

Today I had an appointment with my accountant. I know, there's nothing like the last minute filer for you. Actually, I am the client that always has everything together at the end of January- but that trip to Romania really threw me for a loop. I spent about 20 days trying to catch back up with my life, and I am still tucking in loose ends.
Then it was off to the drive in Movies.
We like to make the drive out to Oak Harbor to watch the Drive in Movies. We always go to the Blue Fox Drive In. Tonight's features are Nim's Island and 27 Dresses. We get in for $13 because the kids under 11 are free- Oh yeah, that's ALL of them!
Oak Harbor is a Navy town so the drive in plays the National Anthem every night and when it is done you honk and flash your lights- for a long time.
We only stayed for the first feature tonight because it starts at 8:30 pm (actually, 9:00 by the time you get through all the previews and adds for the concession stand- and our kids won't go to sleep for the second feature- bummer. With the hour drive to get back home, we pulled into the driveway at 12:00am. The kids even remembered to bring their pillows and blankies for the ride home.
Nim's Island was cute- all the kids liked it. I liked Jodie Foster's character way better than the Nim role. Jodie Foster was TOTALLY neurotic. There were some really funny parts with her character.

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