Wednesday, April 1, 2009

In Which I Rail Against Society

Dear Lazy Parents;

I think you are rude. There I said it. You are lazy, rude and discourteous. And I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for ruining my enjoyment of my daughter’s choir concert. I realize that from where we were sitting it would have been hard to hear anything anyway, but it was downright impossible to hear over the basketballs. To your children’s credit, they did stop playing ball when my dad scolded them. Some of them even brought their balls and sat down.

But to the really thoughtless parent who let their child run back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and… You really frosted me.

I, of all people, understand that it is hard to make your child(ren) sit still for an hour. I understand that children get fussy. But let me assure you that letting them RUN around in a concert is the WRONG thing to do. I had to scold my 6 and 4 year olds several times. Next time we sit through something (admittedly tedious) it will be somewhat easier for them and for all those around us.

Let’s just do a little social supposition here:
Suppose you never tell your 2 year old “No” when they demand to run around at inappropriate times. That 2 year old will become a 4 year old who demands to be allowed to do whatever they want- LOUDLY. They will become a wild and unmanageable 6, 8, and then 10 year old. At some point this child may even be bigger than you. Believe me, they will know when this happens.
Said big child will take to stealing things- because no one ever made an attempt to harness this child. Said child will take to running away, using drugs, felony, and possibly murder. The parents of said child will still be totally clueless. They will even blame society for the mess that they have created. BUT IT WILL BE THEIR OWN FAULTS.

So, yes, I know that setting boundaries around your children is hard. But it is much harder to deal with your own failure at a later date.

And let me just say, one more time, Thank you for ruining my child’s concert with your rudeness. And yes, I am blaming you, the parent of the running 2 year old, and not your child.

P.S. Could you please forward this to all your friends who sit in the video venue at church and let them know that we do in fact have a nursery if they really want to allow their children to run and play during church. OOH, and have them pass it on to their friends who stand in the hall and kitchen and talk (not whisper) just because we are not actually in the sanctuary. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Ohh thankkkk youuuuuuu for writing this.. I had a parent I would HAVE LOVED to tell this to at the store yesterday..

Speak it sista!

from SITS!

Unknown said...

Seriously... I am SO paranoid what people are thinking about my kids are doing and how they are affecting the people around us.

Gina said...

Seriously, Lizzy, if you care even the littlest bit, then you don't have to worry- I'm not talking to you.

Unknown said...

Oh I hear you - I've probably seen the same children kicking ball around the toy section while I'm trying to find a present, or the children who come and knick my baby's toys right out of her pram so they can play with them! Yep, that letter was well overdue! Thankyou. Oh by the way, I found you at SITS! Have a wonderful day.

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

You, my friend, are me....I am right there with your dad.

And thanks for the proofreading in my post...oh yes, only a gazillion people now know that I peek interest, instead of peeking in a window. Hello, Jen - that's what I get for writing it at 1am and now editing. :)

Heather said...

Go get 'em, girl!!

Lee Ann said...


Lynda said...

Ugh... kids! (yes, I have one)

Perhaps a better answer: Babysitter!

Tammy Kling said...

I have a few people I need to forward this on to...not that I think they'll take the advice!

Anonymous said...

I have 5 children myself (Hi from all of us in Australia:)

How rue and thoughtless some people are. And they will raise rude and thoughtless children too who know no better.

I hope you have a lovely day,


(i found your blog through a photography blog)

Mama Nut said...

A.m.e.n, my newfound friend! From a fellow five-fingered full houser, can I just say that you are a breath of fresh air? And BTW, where is your little follower thingy on the sidebar? I totally looked for it so I could follow you. Cause, girl, you KNOW we need a support group!

Mama Nut said...

p.s. found you from SITS...

Gramma 2 Many said...

You need to send this letter to your newspaper, the Stanwood News for any of you who may read this blog and also attended said concert. Keep your kids under control. I went to hear my granddaughter sing, not your son bouncing a b.ball behind me. Creeps. Idiots. Neanderthals.

Katidids said...

This happened at my sons graduation, I took the (schools) ball away from the kids....of course they keyed my van on the way out...There is no respect. To many boomers raised "freewill" kids that are now raising mannerless, rude children. Send your post to the church newpaper...might be a wakeup call to some

Swizz said...

Amen, sister! You go get em! Discipline!

And by the way, you chose the same blog style I did. Or I chose the same one you did, I guess, since I just started bloggin in February!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

You go girl. I have the same pet peeve.

Karyn @ Candarbry Garden said...

I believe those children either grow up to have nicknames like "Barefoot bandit" Or "Occupier"