Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Since January: April

This year, Abigail decided that she would take the step of obedience and be baptized.  She met with the pastor to confirm her decision to him, and then the worship pastor recorded an interview of Abby saying what baptism means to her.  They played the interview just before her actual dunking.

2013 April Baptism interview - Abigail G. from Jason Chollar on Vimeo.

April 14th, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Since January: March

In March we were finally able to adopt our youngest son.  After living and loving in limbo for two years, we made Levi our forever son.  He's stuck with us now.
We had a VERY quick ceremony at the court house on a Friday morning (my mom and dad missed it while they were parking the car), and then we took some family pictures.

On Saturday we had a blessing and dedication done by our pastor.

And then it was time to PARTY!


Friday, November 1, 2013

Since January; February

In February, Elizabeth turned 12.  She shared her birthday with her Great Grandma who would have been 92.  Every year, she and Great Grandma would do something together.  When she was tiny, Great Grandma came to her parties, and we always had a gift for Gigi, too.  As Elizabeth got older and Gigi was no longer able to travel, it evolved into lunch with Gigi and Grandma at Gigi's  house, and became extra special when I had to take her out of school to do it.
For the last two years Elizabeth, Grandma and I have made the trip to Gigi's gravesite.  Elizabeth leaves a pinwheel, since February is so blustery, and the three of us go have lunch.
I am so glad that for the years that my grandma was here, I was able to foster that special bond between them.  One day, Elizabeth will grow up.  She might not have time to have lunch with her grandma and I, and she might not want to trek out in the rain to visit a gravesite.  Until then, I treasure all of these special days.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Month

A month has gone by.  A month of weird.   A month of returning to normal.  A month of sweet memories, hard memories, tears, and laughter.  Kris, I miss you.

Thursday, January 10, 2013



They are not earth shattering.
They are just too hard.  Too hard.
What's for dinner? 
Can I try out for a play?
Can I turn out for wrestling?
How much do I pay on this bill?
Should I stay home, or should I get dressed and go out?
How can I help?
I don't know.  I just don't know.
Don't ask me, because I can't make any decisions this week.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Treasure

I watched you as you lifted the empty box,
translucent, and much too light.
You wrapped it up and handed it over to strangers. 
You held it tenderly, but with strength and dignity.
I am certain, though, that you wetted it with your tears
as you watched your treasure being poured out.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dear Sister,

I am going to miss you SO much, but you will be in better care.
So fly to Jesus, fly to Jesus, fly to Jesus and LIVE.