Sunday, October 30, 2011


Sitting. Just sitting.
Sitting and waiting.
It hurts to breathe.
Shallow. Gasping. Gulping at the air.
Trying to make sense of the enigma.
She. And me.


kgetzinger32 said...

I am so sorry! I am sending you a big cyber hug (( ))

Still Praying for you! - Kathi

Jennifer F said...

I am so sorry! Know that you are not alone - you have a circle of friends who love you - reach and grab once any time to need one of us.

I know what it's like to have just the task of breathing seem overwhelming. I like to imagine sitting at the feet of God, laying against His legs and resting my head on His lap, soaking up His love and breathing with Him. And then I remember that He is always with me when I am breathing. And if I can just focus on that I can make it for another day.

Know that I would give anything to be able to save you from what you are going through! But I can't. I hate that feeling of helplessness! What I can do is encourage you to climb into you Father's lap and let Him carry you.

Frizzy said...

Sitting and waiting for answers and healing. UGH! I wish there was something more I/we could do than pray. Know that you are all loved.

Elena said...

Oh I'm so sorry! There are never words for these kinds of things. Praying for you.

Lee Ann said...

Praying for you all!