I love this kid, and I love his smile. He doesn't like it so much because he is misssing some teeth due to a congenital defect. He lost his baby teeth and there just weren't any adult teeth to fill the gaps. Therefore, the teeth he does have are w i d e l y spaced. This makes his bite funny and his smile, well that picture above is what I usually get in a snapshot.
We have consulted with an orthodontist about braces, and even though now would be the ideal time to move his teeth, we just cannot find the $4000-$5000 it would cost. It kinda breaks my heart.
When I heard that invisalign was doing a giveaway promotion, I whispered a little prayer, "Please, God?" The difference between me wanting to give something to my child and God wanting to give something to His? He owns it all, anyways. So, I am doing my part and posting about my wish for a perfect smile.
If you want to check it out, click here.